Why Is Skin Cancer Screening Recommended?

Skin cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer around the World, with millions of cases diagnosed each year. While it can be a highly treatable condition if detected early, it can also be life-threatening if allowed to progress. This is why regular skin cancer screenings are strongly recommended by healthcare professionals. Let’s look at the reasons why these screenings are crucial and how they can potentially save lives.

Early Detection Saves Lives

The primary reason for undergoing regular skin cancer screenings is early detection. Skin cancer, when caught in its early stages, is often highly treatable. Melanoma, a particularly aggressive form of skin cancer, can spread quickly to other parts of the body if not detected early. However, when detected early, the five-year survival rate for melanoma can be as high as 99% according to the American Cancer Society. This starkly contrasts with cases detected at later stages, where the survival rate drops significantly.

Risk Factors and Vulnerability

Certain individuals are at a higher risk of developing skin cancer than others. Factors such as fair skin, a history of sunburns, excessive sun exposure, and a family history of skin cancer can increase one’s risk. People with numerous moles or unusual moles (dysplastic nevi) are also at higher risk. For these individuals, regular screenings become even more critical to monitor any changes in the skin and catch potential cancers early.

Changing Environment and Sun Exposure

With changes in climate and increasing exposure to UV radiation due to factors like ozone depletion and changing lifestyles, the incidence of skin cancer has been on the rise. Sun exposure, especially during peak hours and without adequate protection, remains a significant risk factor. Regular screenings help individuals understand their skin’s condition and take necessary precautions to prevent cancer or catch it early if it develops.

The Role of Self-Examination

While regular visits to a dermatologist for professional screenings are essential, self-examination plays a crucial role as well. Learning to identify changes in moles, new growths, or unusual spots on your skin can prompt early medical attention. Dermatologists often recommend the ABCDE rule for self-examination: Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color changes, Diameter (greater than 6mm), and Evolution (changes over time).

Empowerment Through Knowledge

Beyond the medical benefits, skin cancer screenings empower individuals with knowledge about their skin health. Understanding the risks and taking proactive steps to monitor one’s skin can lead to early detection and timely treatment if any abnormalities are found. This awareness is invaluable in maintaining overall health and well-being.

Why Should a Dermatologist Perform Your Skin Cancer Screening

It is well known and proven that healthcare providers who are NOT Dermatologists are far less likely to pick up skin cancers. For this reason, States such as Florida have access laws that forbid restricting patients from seeing a Dermatologist for these screenings. It is not enough to have your Primary Care Physician, Plastic Surgeon, or any other provider look at you.


In conclusion, skin cancer screenings are not just recommended; they are crucial for maintaining good health and potentially saving lives. By detecting skin cancer early through screenings and self-examination, individuals can significantly improve their chances of successful treatment and recovery. If you haven’t had a skin cancer screening recently, consider scheduling one with a dermatologist soon. Your skin health is worth the investment in time and attention. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and take proactive steps towards a healthier future.

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Robert S. Bader, M.D., Dermatologist

